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tv   430am Newscast  FOX  December 5, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PST

4:30 am
23 degrees. 32 for half-moon bay, pacifica is 29, novato is 21, santa rosa is 26, so we have that freeze warning out and for good reason. it might get colder for some, we have lost that component of a breeze, it is not impacting the temperatures so far, we have more on the reports for possible snow and we have possible record lows, read them or weep or enjoy upper 40s lower 50s, here is sal. so far it is cold but it is not affecting traffic much, unless you are running into a patch much black ice and we have not heard any of any of that. let's look at the bay bridge toll plaza, traffic is moving
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well no major problems and also it looks good on the east shore freeway, coming in on east shore traffic is moving along nicely and westbound 508 from livermore to pleasanton and all the way to caster valley is off to a good start, let's go back to the desk. firefighters just put out a house fire in venetia, this is largoen drive and two people have been sent to the hospital. >> reporter: firefighters remain on the scene and they will be here for a quite -- for quite a while. let me tell you what we know, a newspaper man drove by and saw and smelled smoke and called 911. firefighters had to force their way in, smoke was billowing out
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of the inside of the home. they found two people unconscious, and at this point they think the fire started somewhere in the kitchen living room area and they say the damage where the fire started is extensive. we did talk to a neighbor who lives right behind this house and she told us what she saw. >> yes, larry said, wake up and i rushed to the window and the back and i looked out the window and i saw some flames but -- i thought -- he said it was neighbors from two houses away so i don't know it was dan pain in eli. -- dan and ellie. >> all they know right now is that this fire appeared to have been burning for a while by the time they got here and there was extensive smoke inside the house. as far as smoke detectors there
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was not inside the hall that was not working or they are trying to find out if the smoke detogether detecters were working and they did rescue a small pet. firefighters will have more information coming up and we will have that later on. claudine wong ktvu channel 2 morning news. temperatures dropped into the 20s in the wine country and walnut creek as well. we could even see a dusting of snowy would include mt. diablo and mt. hamilton and some say the snow and frost is nothing to complain about. >> you guys just man up and quit complaining. >> he sounds like it is colder
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than what we have. hot blankets, people are trying to protect the plants and don't forget to bring your plants inside to protect them from freezing. the homeless are caught and cared for. last night they passed out free blankets in a ravine by kelly park. those who are staying there are trying to survive anyway they can. >> it has been ice-cold to where your fingers hurt. >> they found 47 homeless people in the city, however shelter administrators say there are only up to 1,000 beds a veil available each night.
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what valley -- quadruple valley sent us this picture of fresh snow on the ground. the forecast calls for 14 inches, more for friday and saturday and of course check with us for alerts and warnings. bartz board of the directors has most controversial shooting. former police chief patrick oliver has been monitoring police training following the death of grant on january 1st 2009. joseph mistook his taser for a gun when he shot the unarmed man. and for the latest on bart
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tracks, they are blaming the electrical short, it is a store story we first reported on 2. that prompted several riders to seek medical treatment after being stuck on board the crippled train for about an hour. >> they did some changes the top break boxes and it only happens rarely. >> bart said it will take at least a day to determine what happen and it happened just hours after nathaniel robinson senior had thanksgiving dinner with his family. it appears he was headed to his girlfriend's home. highway patrol is trying to figure out why he ended up hitting a median wall.
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he was hit by 3 cars, the first driver stayed at the scene. >> it is devastating, hard to bear, my emotions are a rollercoaster. >> investigators do not have a description. a girl is recovering after being hit by a car. a boy ran across west 15th street. the boy was airlifted to the hospital and suffered head and next injuries but was conscious when first responders arrived. they do not think speed error alcohol was a factor. a 13-year-old girl who went missing earlier this week has
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been found safe. a girl was discovered early. well the search for a missing san jose pilot, dale smith reported engine trouble and asked for help in finding a place to land. this is video where rescuers believe smith went down they had several aircraft and they are looking for smith, his son and daughter in-law and his daughter and fiance h the emergency beacon has not been hurt since the early testimony. the trial began five years after the brutal attacks in richmond. she was gang raped after being taunted for being a lesbian. they say it was a hate crime motivated by the victim's
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sexual orientation. there will be several rallies and they will hold a rally from fruit veil this afternoon. they are demanding a pay hike to $15 an hour and the right to unionize. a san jose police officer's car is burglarized. coming up, the important item that was stolen which makes this case top prior orty. -- prior orty. good morning, traffic is doing well if you are driving around the bay area, coming up, i will show you where others are beginning to show signs.
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i have no your heater has been kicking on all night long, it is so cold, maybe some snow, i will tell you more coming up on ktvu channel 2 morning news. i love watching tv outside.
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and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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. welcome back, pulling are hoping to catch a thief caught on surveillance video. you can see the burglar with a ponytail gray shirt pants and tennis shoes going through belongings. the thief made off with thousands of dollars worth of items including two photos which can never be replaced. >> the picture in the camera is more important, it is his memories with his dad and it had some of the pictures he didn't download into his computers. >> we understand the home is under construction to get rid
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of asbestos. investigators released this sketch of a suspect. end hit two women, stole their purses around san mateo central park. both incidents happened last week. it happened near the rose park garden on tuesday. the woman is known to be a sports cap bandit and this was taken from el comino royal. the second photo was taken on october 29th. during each robbery the robber wore a sports cap and gave the teller a note demanding money. a massive program by the national security agency is tracked around the world.
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according to the location, they have cell phones to look for behavior among terror suspects. and 2 million facebook twitter and yahoo users have had their passwords stolen. they have been sending them to a server controlled by hackers. this mall wear keeps a record of everything they type into their users. >> they find everything you have ever sent. >> they say one of the biggest problems and mistakes people make is using the same
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passwords and that's why many are forcing people to come up with a more complex pass password. the radioactive cobalt used in a hospital was on its way to a nuclear waste site when used thieves knew what was in the truck. now the truck has been recovered along with the radioactivity. many who have come in contact of the radioactivity can die with in days. this is a possible kidnapping attempt. now they are hoping somebody will recognize the man and woman seen in the video and come forward with information. it happened at 6:00 tuesday night and the driver saw a man and woman fighting over a bag
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and the man pulled the woman away. >> it could be a domestic situation or it could be a father trying take their daughter home, we just don't know. >> the man police are looking for is also in his 30s. the man accused of a deadly shooting is due back in court on monday to enter a plea. ronnie collins made his first court appearance and is accused of killing walker in the bay view neighborhood on sunday. prosecutors say the victim tried to push the gun away. then he a used him and he shot
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him in the abdomen. >> he is being held on bail as he awaits next week's court appearance. there is a highly publicized google barge docked on goober island. they are examining whether the tech giant has the necessary payment to understanding. they may use the barge as an interactive space where people can learn about interactive technology. they are delivering christmas trees and they will be able to have it deliver and trees can be ordered through the goober act. >> we just picked up one of our
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christmas trees yesterday. form sal, there are a -- sal, there are a number of lots. >> yes, there are lots all over the bay area that do that. good morning, let's look at what we have now and we will start in san jose, south bay traffic is moving along nicely and the off ramp, there is not a lot of traffic there because it is so early but people will be slowing down to take a look at the trouble on the shoulder. looking at 84 and that looks good 580 is also moving along nicely and when you get to the toll bridge plaza, it is light. >> sal, i just saw 16 degrees
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near petaluma. >> 16 degrees? >> yes, and todd sent me 22 from pleasant hills. there you go, there will be records, almost all were sit at 72 and napa is 23 right now, yesterday they had a breeze and that held up their temperatures and san francisco, our observer had 29 degrees. that would tie a record low. the record is 35. that is pretty cool. he has 19 degrees here and san jose will tie a record going back to 1972. novato 22, napa 23, half-moon bay and there are some areas on the coast and we are very close to it.
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that is the open airport. airfield, -- fairfield they had a breeze towards parts of fairfield oakly and i it goes until 9:00 and visibility is sparkling. 19 in ike ukiah, that cold air has plenty of time to settle in and that system will move in friday night saturday giving us a quick shot of rain and some upper 40s for highs today, pablos are already there. the highs on clear lake, 48 kent field, and oakly will be
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in there, danville, walnut creek, 52 alameda and that will be the hot spot. even morgan -- morgan hill, starting off about many inland locations. it clouded up friday afternoon and evening and then back to cold again sunday and monday. well it may seem cold here let's keep it in perspective. check out this video from minnesota. a storm has dumped up to three feet of snow and temperatures there are in the single digits. state troopers responded to more than 300. wildlife experts say the remaining whales will be unable
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to make it back to sea. it is not clear what caused the pod of males to head for shallow water but it is not uncommon in florida. nearly two dozen were stranded back in 2003. a man died of injuries and he suffered from the crash and subsequent fire. he was killed last saturday when in lot of san loss county. he died from the impact. he shut down production for the first time-being and it was scheduled for the first time in july. and the first nba game had to be postponed after smoke started pouring into the arena. last night's game between sand san antonio spurs was called
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after the arena filled with smoke. it happened 45 minutes after the game was scheduled to start and it will now be held in minnesota at a later date. the silicone valley big wig has been leading tens of thousands of dollars. plus a miracle, meet the item tall triplets without the help of fertility drugs.
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. thewelcome back. the mystery tipper has been found and he is behind those who show bills and huge tips raging from $500 to $10,000 have been left on all the bills . berkeley is scheduled to a naming rights deal at memorial stadium. they say it is a 15 year deal to a company that has sources for the school and the money
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will be used to help payoff the retrofitting of the stadium. a special memorial gift and they are the proud parents of item tall triplets. they gave birth to identical girls and they can see they are there without the help of fertility drugs and the odds are 1 in 200 million. congratulations and good luck to them. that is a big bundle. we are following breaking news from venetia, two people are sent to the hospital after an early morning house fire and claudine wong will have an update from the scene. they are getting some cash.
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we will tell you have an accident nearby that may be causing some traffic. it's cold out there and we will talk about any records and talk about it there is any snow on friday or saturday night's forecast. )!)a$v)ttttqtt$dt$$p7[8
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5:00 am
. we have new information about the victims in venetia and who is credited for saving their lives. most of the bay area is under a freeze warning, we will have the temperatures you will see in your area this morning. plus the shooting death of oscar grant will be a main focus for bart. the important information that will go in front of the bart board today, it is all ahead on ktvu channel 2 morning news. this is ktvu channel 2 morning news. good morning, welcome back to ktvu channel 2 mo


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